Saturday, May 15, 2010

All My Gratitude

My gratitude list is growing steadily. I started last week and I'm making sure that I'm truly thankful for what I say, before it's just jotted down. Faith, love, endurance... Here's a look inside my note book!

29. running and laughing at the same time

30. promises kept
31. music
32. mountains
33. the beach
34. pink

35. blue
36. tears

37. brokenness
38. surrender to God

39. craziness

40. moonlight


42. deserts

43. the Resurrection

44. Psalms

45. blankets

46. grace
45. cleansers (there's the herbalist coming out in me!)
48. time
49. notebooks
50. the NGJ ministry

51. chocolate ganuche icing

52. helplessness

53. History

54. opportunity
55. Jesus..... sweet Jesus

56. sweet breath of God

.........60. big, brown Papoose eyes
.........63. water

64. closed doors

........ 69. daisies

70. surfboards

...............................117. the beauty of holiness

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